sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Pride and Prejudice: A Chick flick That Defines Us

What more to expect than pretty girls, handsome men and of course a romance. Writers like Jane Austen, want the reader to fall in love with the main character and picture the scene as if it were the readers reality.

It may be an insult to some, but to me this Mr. Darcy guy will turn out to be like the so fantasized Edward Cullen from twilight. A mysterious guy, quite unsociable at first, who does not seem much interested in any girl. But of course, not destined to meet, they end up falling in love with the breathtaking beautiful girl, Bella Swan and in this case Elizabeth Bennet. Seriously can these novels get any more predictable? Did any one write guidelines for chick flicks? And the saddest thing is that every girl ends up falling in love with the novel, expecting the scenes to become her never ending reality.

Shallowness is what defines these novels, but strangely they somehow define how we think and act in terms of love and our daily lives. We end up being superficial fools. And that's no matter because that's how our society works. Looks are what matter, and especially in the time this book was written, where beauty and wealth was the main attribute. But who are we kidding, it still is. Just like Jane Austen wrote, ""He is also handsome, Elizabeth replied, "Which a young man ought likewise to be, if he possibly can. His character is therreby complete" (Pg. 9), success is thus determined by beauty.  We can succeed in life if we have beauty in our lives, at least we can be "more complete", find love easily and be happy. Sad thing is that it is true. The vapid comment of Elizabeth is how we take everything in life. Appearance is what matters, what you show to the world is what it takes for granted, taking a life time to change that perspective.

Perhaps Austen was criticizing this superficiality, the dependence on beauty to comply with our expectations. Making a statement on our ignorance, by basing our judgement on appearance. Yet revealing the truth of our prejudice.

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