I do agree, life is completely uncertain. It is a road, from which we build up on and without knowing everything is simply lost. Just as in the book, the Father ends up dying, the world ended, and everything was lost after building it. But that is simply how life works. We will never know if all of what we worked for is worth while, we simply know that we need to live the present, cherish what really matters and live up to what we are currently living.
Life could be considered at some point meaningless, but why give up on it? In spanish class I read the book The Outsider by Albert Camus and started questioning the meaning of life. Camus takes a very existentialist position, questioning life's importance knowing that everything that humans do is insignificant compared to the grand spectrum of the universe.

I guess Jae's dessert comment was a way of showing how we better enjoy life, rather than question its significance.
Being this said, I myself will enjoy a delicious dessert.
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