lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

I wish I were Romantic

When we hear the term Romantic, we think: cheesy be my valentine hard candy, Romeo and Juliet and a terrible Ballad that has been popular on the billboard charts. But no. 

The Romantics: a new movement in the arts, literature and thinking in Britain. A movement where the values, ideas and dreams of the modern world were born. 

John Keats, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley transformed the way we perceived the world, inspiring us with visions of eternity.

I sounded just like the awkward chubby guy that was narrating the video. But it is true what he said. These guys gave a sense of living, experiencing, feeling. All of those things humans have always feared. Finding pleasure in what we dread, leading our lives by emotions, and things that give us pleasure and creating from those new sensations. 

It is interesting how these things led to the definition of the imagination, how when these poets permitted their feelings to define their existence the imagination was triggered, helping perceive what seems inconceivable. 

Just like Samuel Taylor Coleridge conceived the idea of the unconscious by simply using opium. They transcended through simple things that gave meaning to a world that was facing a phase where God no longer existed. A period new discoveries: human ability to feel, to understand how unique we are, and how each of our experiences build up on ourselves. 

In a way our world is defined by their legacy, but maybe if we all saw the world as they saw it, simply permitting ourselves to feel, cherish, cry, dread, and not depressing ourselves in our search for happiness. 

It is interesting how these poets revolutionized how we perceive our world,how they started experimenting with the future. Leaving an era of repression based on faith. They focused on our potential, on everything that no one dared to explain. A bit of egocentrism, since it was a way of writing on the world from a personal perspective only taking into account the poets situation or feelings but also a way of showing our individuality. 

How I wish I could be honest with myself, be true to my feelings, a true romantic. Perhaps that is why they are called romantic, they ornate feelings, portray them as beautiful and transform simplicity into a something complex that creates. 

How I wish my lover instead of simply saying the cliché phrase: "it's not you its me" could have simply told me: "I am united to another. You are no longer my wife. Perhaps I have done you injury but surely most innocently and unintentionally in having commenced any connection with you". Simple. To the point. The honest truth of a simple phrase: "I am dumping you" but with ornate language, and transcending in the feeling.

They probably influenced our modern world, but we have forgotten the essence of their writing. The meaning of a true Romantic. 

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